How you can increase your profits by making one small change to the order process. This video proves why the product is called marketing quickies! It is a minute change you need to make to how you take orders and takes all of 30 seconds! He actually claims he almost did not include this video as he did not want to give away such a vital secret in his success. It shows you how this small change can get you listed in over 50 important directories that in turn will get you more sales and more affiliates if you use them. It even operates as a back door method for getting listed in the search engines which he says what a complete accident that he found out by mistake. I wish all my accidents were as profitable.

The single item he added to the bottom of his website to maximise conversion rate and increase his Joint Venture partners. He gives part credit for this one to legend Yanik Silver. While watching a dvd of one of seminars presented bt Yanik he noted a very interesting point and decided to give it a try. However he added a unique twist to make it his own even though Yanik and he are great friends. He even mentions how a millionaire actually got in touch with him instantly after seeing this on his website.

Easily the best tool around to virally market your website that cannot be stopped! Like video, viral marketing is a huge part of the modern day internet marketers arsenal. Now I have to admit I never really got to grips with viral marketing until I got my greedy little hands on this software. Its available for around $75 and he recommends it without any affiliate links so you know its great as Andrew is not making any money by recommending it. He shows you all the different methods for viral marketing and then blows them all away by showing you exactly what this software can do and without it how your campaign could flop. He shows you how to get started and exactly where to get the software from. Personally i think this is worth the price of marketing quickies volume 2 on its own, its that good.

Any statements

Your fat loss and suitability
Peelings your desires can

Using the coupon code tactic to increase conversion rates, build anticipation, and drive sales skyward. Last but not least the coupon code phenomenon. This method has been around for sometime and I have used it myself to some reward but Andrew shows you a new twist. He shows you some great real examples of how to use the coupon codes on your website for the biggest results. It details exactly how to install the coupons in his wonderful step by step manner and how to optimize the settings.

Alright well that is it! Hopefully you can see from this review exactly how awesome this product is. I have bought and used all of the products Andrew Fox has released and they all have paid for themselves almost instantly. That said I would have to say in my opinion this is the best of the lot and is a must buy for anyone with a website.

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